2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 24,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 9 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes Film Festival. This blog had 32,000 views in 2012. If each view were a film, this blog would power 7 Film Festivals

Click here to see the complete report.


I will try to blog more in the future. I tried the Post A Day Challenge in the last year, but really failed and stopped with it. But I also realized that when I try to blog every day, like in the challenge, I even post nonsense articles just to have some kind of article posted. So I will not blog every day (I know the last days I had, but this was only because I blogged many articles at once and just made them visible day after day), but at least try to post the interesting articles I have in mind. When I think about it, I have so many ideas (some are even 1-2 years old) what I could blog about: new gadgets (my coffee maker which I already own for nearly 2 years without blogging about it, my new Thinkpads (yes, next week my second new Thinkpad will arrive and I do not even blog about the first one), new printer, …), nice programs (like a cool timer for presentations) and other stuff like the so called Ökokiste where you get fruit and vegetables once a week delivered directly to your home. Oh yes and there are even some Starbucks mugs I have not shown here!
And as I said before: I will blog in German and English now. For some stuff it makes really no sense to blog it in English (like the Ökokiste that only exists in Germany or restaurants here in Munich. And also for most of the recipes it does not make sense). So just lets see how it will work with multi-lingual blog posts.

2011 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Syndey Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 27,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 10 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

New year 2012

I wish you all a good start into the year 2012! I know I could start writing a long list of things I wish you for the new year, but I am sure I would miss some things, because everybody wishes for slighty different things and has other priorities that match the situation of that person. And also not every wish can become reality: In fact the world would be quite boring, if you would get everything you wish for! This kind of remindes my of a song that was sung in Glee:

You can’t always get what you want,
but if you try sometime,
you’ll find, you get what you need

And because all this facts I described above, I just want to wish you one thing for the new year. I wish you contentment. I think it is one of the most important things you should have or develope to cope with your life. You can not always influence what happens in your life and sometimes very bad things can happen, but if you are able to nevertheless be content with what you have in your life, you are able to get out of every black hole you might find yourself and are able to see somekind of bright light again.

Merry christmas

I wish you all a merry christmas. I hope you all have a or lots of tasty meal(s), get nice presents and most important I hope you have fun and are able to enjoy the holidays, even if the christmas time is this time on saturday and sunday 😉 I cooked the beef olives (recipe is already in the blog) with selfmade stock (I really recommend to you to cook your stock and not buy one in the supermarket)
As a small christmas gift, I will share a nice Vanillekipferl (cookies in the form of a croissant that has a vanilla taste) variation recipe: A recipe for nougat kipferl.
The good thing about Vanillekipferl is that they look good, but you can make them very easily in a small amont of time. And, of course, they taste really good. I must admit, I usually do not like cookies. But for christmas I wanted to make some, so I searched for cookies that even I will like. Since chocolate is always good in cookies I decided on the tasty Nougatkipfel.

For approx. 60 pieces you need:

250 g flour
150 g butter
125 g sugar
100 g nougat (you can also take nougat chocolate)
3 egg yolk (Eigelb)
a bit baking powder (approx. 1/2 teaspoon)

As topping:
3 packages vanilla sugar
3 tablespoon sugar

First cut the nougat in small (I suggest as small as possible, because then the mixing of the dough takes less time). Mix the nougat, flour, butter, sugar, egg yolk and baking powder together until you get a dough. Put the dough for about 30-60 minutes into the fridge. Make a approx. 2 cm small roll and cut this into approx. 2 cm small pieces. Form each of the pieces in croissant form. Bake the pieces for about 10-15 minutes in the oven (175 degrees). They are ready when they turned light brown. Let them cool down for about 5 minutes. In the meantime mix vanilla sugar with sugar and roll the Kipferl (they must be still a bit warm) in the sugar mix.


Post a day 2011

In the last few days I tried to keep up with the Post a day challenge, again. I do not know, if I can fill the gap in posts and I think also the next weeks will be hard. So you will get more pictures than text. There is just so much work to do in university. Since I got my first exercise to a course this semester, there is already just few time left for other stuff (the course is held for the first time and so there is no lecture material or exercises for thr tutorial. Since the stuff in the course is partially also new for me, it costs a lot time to undertand everything and design the exercises. So most of the other stuff I need to do at work come a bit short lately and I try to use also my free time to work a bit more… But at least I will try to post a picture or a short text every day…

Post a day

I hope I will be able to still find the time to blog every day in the next weeks, because the lecture I will give the exercices at will start soon. This lecture is totally new and so there is much to do: Preparing the lecture slides (does not sound like too much work, but since each lecture is 90 minutes there are approx. 50 slides each time), searching for exercises, preparing the exercises and additional stuff like repetition of important stuff from the lecture and last but not least think about how to present this stuff in the exercise (since it is in English, I perhaps need to think about which words will be necessary and look up those that I do not know in advance). But I am confident that I am somehow are able to manage all this in time! 🙂

3 months Postaday2011

I made it through the first 3 months of Postaday2011! Just 9 more month, 1/4 of the challenge is already done! I must say that in the last couple of weeks of the challenge the writing was very easy. I wrote most of the posts several days in advance and I found it not difficult to find a topic I can blog about! Hopefully the next months will go by as smoothly as the last weeks!


I really, really love the scheduling function. It is somehow like blogging into the future. And of course knowing that you will fulfill the post a day challenge also some days in the future is a great side effect! Okay, normally you schedule your posts for just some days in the future. But of course you could also let several month or even years past until your entry becomes visible to the world wide web.
This reminds me about a web service I found several years ago: With it you were able to send an email into the future. Okay… in reality you wrote the mail, send it and this web service holds on to the mail until the desired day and sends it to the addressee. I liked the idea and also tried it and send a mail to myself. Unfortunally I forgot the day I send the mail to and I also forgot what this mail was about. But perhaps I will get the mail at some point in the future, if the web service still exists (I can’t remeber the name of it).
The same thing that fascinated me about the past about this mail to the future webservice, now fascinates me about scheduling. I am writting this post today and it will not appear in my blog until some days have passed. And sometimes the world changes a lot in a few days, like it did after the catastrophe in Japan. So that is the danger in scheduling posts: One never knows if somethinh changes in the days between writing and posting. This reminds me of a German tv series called Lindenstrasse: They scheduled an episode with the name „Super Gau“, but after the event in Japan they changed this episodes name to something else.